# Debian Security 1. [Overview](#overview) 2. [Role Variables](#role-variables) 3. [Example Playbook](#example-playbook) 4. [Configuration](#configuration) 5. [Known Issues](#known-issues) 6. [Development](#development) 7. [License](#license) 8. [Author Information](#author-information) ## Overview A role that provide some security tools for Debian. ## Role Variables * **deb_sec__required_packages** : List of required packages [default : `debsecan`]. * **deb_sec__deploy_state** : The desired state this role should achieve [default : `present`]. * **deb_sec__debsecan_report** : If daily reports should be enable [default : `true`]. * **deb_sec__debsecan_suite** : Suite name used to produce more informative output [default : `{{ ansible_distribution_release }}`]. * **deb_sec__debsecan_mailto** : Mail address to which reports are sent [default : `root`]. * **deb_sec__debsecan_source** : The URL from which vulnerability data is downloaded [default : `''`]. * **deb_sec__debsecan_cron_disabled** : If the Debsecan job should be disabled [default : `false`]. * **deb_sec__debsecan_cron_job** : The command to execute for Debsecan cron [default : `test -x /usr/bin/debsecan && /usr/bin/debsecan --cron`]. * **deb_sec__debsecan_cron_special_time** : Periodicity of the cron job for Debsecan [default : `daily`]. * **deb_sec__debsecan_cron_user** : User whose run the job [default : `daemon`]. ## Example Playbook * Default behaviour : ``` yaml - hosts: my.debian.host roles: - role: ipr-cnrs.debian_security ``` ## Configuration This role will : * Install some security tools (eg. Debsecan,…). * Configure and set a cron job for Debsecan. ## Development This source code comes from our [Gogs instance][debian_security source] and the [Github repo][debian_security github] exist just to be able to send the role to Ansible Galaxy… But feel free to send issue/PR anywhere :) Thanks to this [hook][gogs to github hook], Github automatically got updates from our [Gogs instance][debian_security source] :) ## License [WTFPL][wtfpl website] ## Author Information Jérémy Gardais * Source : [on IPR's Gogs][debian_security source] * [IPR][ipr website] (Institut de Physique de Rennes) [gogs to github hook]: https://stackoverflow.com/a/21998477 [debian_security source]: https://git.ipr.univ-rennes.fr/cellinfo/ansible.debian_security [debian_security github]: https://github.com/ipr-cnrs.debian_security [wtfpl website]: http://www.wtfpl.net/about/ [ipr website]: https://ipr.univ-rennes1.fr/