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# Basics
1. [Overview](#overview)
2. [Role Variables](#role-variables)
3. [Example Playbook](#example-playbook)
4. [Configuration](#configuration)
* [Hosts](#hosts)
5. [Development](#development)
6. [License](#license)
7. [Author Information](#author-information)
## Overview
Manage some basics configuration for IPR's servers.
## Role Variables
* **basics__domain**: Domain to use [default: `{{ ansible_domain }}`].
* **basics__hosts_localhost_manage**: If the localhost ( line should be managed [default: `false`].
* **basics__hosts_localhost_content**: Content of the localhost ( line [default: `localhost.localdomain localhost`].
* **basics__hosts_ipv4_manage**: If the ipv4 (lan) line should be managed [default: `false`].
* **basics__hosts_ipv4_content**: Content of the ipv4 (lan) line [default: `{{ ansible_hostname }}.{{ basics__domain }} {{ ansible_hostname }}`].
## Example Playbook
2018-01-12 10:39:22 +01:00
* If you want to manage both localhost ( and permanent IP (lan/ipv4) lines:
``` yml
- hosts: serverXYZ
- role: ipr-cnrs.basics
2018-01-12 10:39:22 +01:00
basics__hosts_localhost_manage: true
basics__hosts_ipv4_manage: true
2018-01-12 10:39:22 +01:00
* If the domain is not defined on the remote host, you should set the `basics__domain` variable:
``` yml
- hosts: serverXYZ
- role: ipr-cnrs.basics
basics__hosts_localhost_manage: true
basics__domain: ''
## Configuration
### Hosts
- Ensure to have the correct fqdn and hostname in /etc/hosts.
- You can define the domain if it's not correct on the remote host.
- You can choose to define the localhost ( line or/and the ipv4 (lan) line.
## Development
This source code comes from our [Gogs instance][basics source] and the [Github repo][basics github] exist just to be able to send the role to Ansible Galaxy…
But feel free to send issue/PR here :)
Thanks to this [hook][gogs to github hook], Github automatically got updates from our [Gogs instance][basics source] :)
## License
[WTFPL][wtfpl website]
## Author Information
Jérémy Gardais
* Source: [on IPR's Gogs][basics source]
* [IPR][ipr website] (Institut de Physique de Rennes)
[gogs to github hook]:
[basics source]:
[basics github]:
[wtfpl website]:
[ipr website]: